Common Defenses to DUI Charges in D.C. and Maryland | Falodun & Associates

After a DUI arrest, it’s easy to feel like a conviction is inevitable. Everything the police say and do during your investigation and arrest is designed to get you to admit that you are under the influence of alcohol and ultimately plead guilty to the offense. If you “blew,” these feelings of hopelessness can be intensified, as it’s hard to see how you defend against seemingly objective evidence indicating that you were drunk. Even a first-time DUI conviction can lead to serious legal and collateral consequences. Some of the more serious include: Probation Fines Community service Mandatory drug and alcohol counseling and testing Jail time The loss of a job A criminal conviction on your permanent record If you’re facing drunk driving charges, it’s critical to remember that not every DUI arrest leads to a conviction, and there are often substantive and procedural defenses that defendants can raise that can result in the charges against them being dropped or an acquittal at ...